Month: February 2015

Social Bookmarking Sites

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Social Bookmarking Sites! The positive effects of social bookmarking for publishers of news sites, blogs, and other web sites is outstanding. Social bookmarking will introduce sites to others with relevant tastes, drive traffic to your website, and valuable back links.

Bookmarks show how a website is perceived, and once these sites enable voting, they also show the engines or no matter system which monitors voting, how people feel about the quality of the site. Furthermore, social bookmarking will introduce a website to the search engines, as in some cases, people may find and bookmark a website or a site’s internal pages before a search engine will find those pages via another form of inbound link.
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Submit RSS Feed

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Submit RSS Feed, RSS and web log directories remain a no brainer for all those publishers who quickly need to generate backlinks for their sites and to achieve an audience that transcends the limits of their usual readership.

One of the quickest growing methods for enhancing a web site’s traffic is to submit your RSS feed to the highest ranked RSS feed directories and RSS search engines. An RSS feed directory is a web site that hosts RSS feeds, typically search able by RSS keyword, topic, or category. Web site owners will submit rss feeds to syndicate their web site or blog content, increasing exposure, daily readers, and ultimately web site traffic.

Where new bloggers might submit their feeds. I have submitted my feeds to a number of these sites already, and I’ll add more as I find them.
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Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin

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Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin* All in one SEO-WordPress SEO by yoast comes out as a prominent name. Now, several of you who area unit using all in one SEO plugin, you should understand a lot of advance version of the plugin, that is available in WordPress.

~Verify site in Google, Bing and Alexa
~Title meta settings
~ Meta control for Taxonomies, author page
~ Hide RSD, WLW, Short links from head
~ Supports Facebook Open graph
~ Generate sitemap Read the rest of this entry »

Wat Si Muang

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Wat Simuang
Wat Simuang

Wat Si Muang is believed to house the central pillar to the town-The story of Wat Si Muang is that the King at the time asked that a hold be dug for the central pillar large enough for a person-horse to fit within. The King asked for anyone wanting to sacrifice themselves within the hole. a girl named Si who was 3 months pregnant apparently offered herself because the sacrifice and walked for a day from her village to reach the Wat. She arrived wearing beautiful black and red clothes and once their threw herself within the hole whereupon the horse was forced down on top of her and she or he was buried alive there. Wat Simuang was inbuilt 1563 in capital of Laos.

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2FreeHosting is a nice hosting company that gives what most companies cause you to purchase, for free! i like to recommend it for anyone trying to make a blog.2freehosting, Is a free hosting-free servers provider for everybody worldwide. They’re dedicated to provide best and most affordable hosting services for people who can’t pay or would like simple answer. one of the simplest free hosting providers with 20GB space, Free subdomains and 99,9% up time for everybody.
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