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Free Website Maker

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VPS Hosting

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VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. This unique and powerful technology by its nature is partitioning a physical server into multiple Virtual Servers having the appearance and capacity of a real dedicated server. This is possible thanks to XEN and its XEN Hypervisor technology – a software layer that stands between the server’s hardware and the OS. Each Virtual Server can run under its own operating system (Windows, Linux, BSD, CentOS or Solaris), have custom configurations like Firewall, kernel etc of its own. We offer our VPS’s with pre-defined Debian OS which we recommend to be used with our Easy VPS Control Panel (the shared hosting like Panel).
– See more at: VPS Hosting

Shared Hosting

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What is a shared hosting platform?

Free Web Hosting. With a shared hosting platform, several clients and their websites are hosted on the same server. Therefore; they are sharing the same resources. Every client has dedicated amount of features at a certain capacity such as disk space; traffic; bandwidth; the amount of email accounts available. However; the power of the server and its resources; such as RAM and CPU are shared among all clients.

Shared hosting is considered one of the most affordable and eco-friendly options in running a website. As opposed to each website dedicated to one server; they share the resources with other websites. Many websites do not need the capabilities of just one server, but rather a fraction of it – Also, by opting for shared hosting; the cost of building and maintaining the server such as electricity and raw materials are shared with other clients with websites.

# What are the Advantages of Shared Hosting?

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Register Domain Name

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Register Domain Name
Register Domain Name

Register Domain Name. Check Availability – Typically, the most popular domain names are already in use. Before starting the registration process, you must find an available or not registered domain name that complements your requirements – this domain name will be the internet address of your website.

Choose Top-Level-Domain(TLD) – The different types of TLDs available also determine the variety and availability of domain names. Try to choose from the most popular TLDs we offer with our services: uk, co, me,,, eu, ca, de, tv, com, net, org, biz, info, us, asia, mobi, be, cc, tw, jp, in, cm.

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2FreeHosting is a nice hosting company that gives what most companies cause you to purchase, for free! i like to recommend it for anyone trying to make a blog.2freehosting, Is a free hosting-free servers provider for everybody worldwide. They’re dedicated to provide best and most affordable hosting services for people who can’t pay or would like simple answer. one of the simplest free hosting providers with 20GB space, Free subdomains and 99,9% up time for everybody.
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