PHP Scripts

Free ping script

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Free ping script – could be a blog ping script that pings or notifies Weblog Services like blog Search Engines and blog directories that your blog has been updated. This help to index your blog quick and build your content on the market for a bigger audience.
Free ping script is the posting links to your sites pages to blogs: the blogs is your own WordPress blogs/then you ping the blog services which gets you backlinks that eventually drive the search engine spiders to your website.You get free backlinks and get spidered/then sometimes follows a quick indexing by google, yahoo etc/at anytime.
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URL Submit Script

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URL Submit Script, Scripts & Programs (PHP). Download scripts to create your website more interactive* and provide free services from your users.

PHP script that permits users to submit web site to over one hundred thirty engines in one time solely, no lost your time in one click your website are listed in the most important engines. This is a good tool for SEO optimization. Will run your own URL submitter company. It provides over 130+ engines in database. Today is very important submit your site in engines and this script will save you time, because with one click your site is in all search engines.
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